Worldwide Travel Travel Reports, explore the world with us

Why Traveling Makes You Happy

  1. When traveling, you create memories that last
  2. It’s fun.
  3. It clears your mind
  4. Discover the world
  5. Traveling inspires and revitalizes
  6. The feeling of freedom

Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Rome, or Japan.

We want to see and experience the world. It doesn’t matter if it’s right outside our door in Germany, in Asia, or in Japan.

Follow us on social media

Follow us on YouTube and Twitch to stay up to date and not miss anything.

Das Leben beginnt dort, wo die Zeit keine Rolle spielt – starte jetzt dein Abenteuer!

Advantages of a city trip over a round trip.

  1. Good entry
  2. Better infrastructure
  3. More comfortable transportation options, such as buses and trains.
  4. Stable accommodation, such as hotels
  5. Sustainable travel
  6. Travel with light luggage

Get tips from our experiences and create your own stories, whether it’s a round trip or the next place that’s just 20 km away

A list of the cities we want to visit in Germany

Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, Munich, Dortmund, Leipzig, Essen, Stuttgart, Dresden, Hannover.

“The world is a book. Those who do not travel read only one page of it.” (Augustine)

Reasons for a vacation in the mountains

  1. Relaxation with every breath
  2. Vacation for the whole family
  3. Experience the weather up close
  4. Tradition and hospitality
  5. Mountains offer an active balance.
  6. Special effects of the altitude

Switzerland, Austria, Italy – Our travel destinations

Not only city trips are on our agenda.

On our European trip, we want to explore Switzerland, Austria, and Italy.
You have the opportunity to join us on our social media channels.

Here are the channels: TwitchYouTubeInstagram

Travel reports and experiences – join us as we explore the world on our journeys

Whether by car, bus, train, on foot, or by plane
Starting in 2022, we will take you along on our travels through Germany and the world.

You can find our equipment here

Overview of the countries and capitals we want to visit

We will report on our travels and adventures. Follow us on Twitch, YouTube, and Instagram to not miss anything when we set off.

Countries on the agenda

  • Belgium
  • Botswana
  • Chile
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • France
  • Greece
  • Hongkong
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Canada
  • Korea
  • Malaysia
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • Austria
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Singapore
  • Spain
  • South Africa
  • Taiwan
  • Tanzania
  • Thailand
  • Venezuela
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Vietnam

Capitals around the world that are on the list

  • Brussels
  • Gaborone
  • Santiago de Chile
  • Copenhagen
  • Helsinki
  • Paris
  • Athen
  • Hongkong
  • Rome
  • Tokyo Metropolis
  • Ottawa
  • Seoul
  • Kuala Lumpur
  • Wellington
  • Oslo
  • Vienna
  • Stockholm
  • Bern
  • City of Singapore
  • Madrid
  • South Africa’s capital Pretoria
  • Taipeh
  • Dodoma
  • Bangkok
  • Caracas
  • Abu Dhabi
  • Hanoi

Travel descriptions of the countries and our country achievements

As you can see, there are quite a few countries we want to visit.
We approach the list with the motivation to complete it and will also include it in our videos and reports.

Join us on our travels, and follow our travel reports and videos

Whether it’s cities or countries, we’ll take you along on our travels
Starting in 2022, there will be a report and a video for each trip.

Currently, there are no travel reports or videos in this category.