Is sleeping in your car allowed?

Is it allowed to sleep in your car? If you’re planning a trip to Germany, the question of whether it’s permitted to sleep in your car is quite clear: In general, it is allowed to spend the night in your car in Germany. The traffic regulations do not impose any direct restrictions, as long as you adhere to the parking rules. This means you should not park in no-parking zones or on private property without the owner’s permission. In such cases, you could face a fine or even have your car towed. Otherwise, staying overnight in your car, whether at a rest area, public parking lot, or another legal parking spot, is generally not a problem. However, it’s advisable to check local regulations beforehand, as there may be specific rules in certain regions.

Is it dangerous to sleep in your car?

It is extremely important to exercise utmost caution if you plan to sleep in your car. The use of additional heating devices carries potential risks, including the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning or fire hazards. You should also take current weather conditions into account, as extreme temperatures or storms can make sleeping in your car more difficult.

Here are some tips on how to secure your car for safe sleeping:

Choose a safe location: Look for a well-lit and secure place to park your car. Ideally, it should be a public area, such as a campsite or a monitored parking lot.

Choose a safe location: Look for a well-lit and secure place to park your car. Ideally, it should be a public area, such as a campsite or a monitored parking lot.

Check your surroundings: Before settling in for the night, take time to explore the area. Look out for suspicious behavior or potential hazards.

Lock the doors: Ensure that all doors of your car are properly locked. This will protect you from unwanted visitors.


Keep the key within reach: Keep your car key close by in case you need to quickly drive away or start your car.

Keep emergency supplies within reach: Make sure you can easily access your phone, a flashlight, and other essential items in case of an emergency.

Use padlocks: If your car doesn’t have automatic door locks, you can add extra security by attaching padlocks to the door handles.

Darkening: Cover your car windows with curtains or special tinting films to maintain privacy and keep curious eyes away.